Register for Classes

To register:

  • Please read the “Policies
  • Complete this form, and click the checkboxes as a signature, below as indicated.
  • Please complete a separate registration form for each student once per year (September 2024 – August 2025).
  • To complete registration, CLICK the Submit Registration button at the bottom of the form. You will be taken to a page to enroll in a class and choose payment method.
1. By checking this box you are registering for one or more in-person/virtual classes at Crozet Arts for September 2024 - August 2025, and agree with and consent to the Liability Waivers, Photography Release, and Permission for ER care as described below.
2. By checking this box I signify that I have read and agree to abide by the Crozet Arts Policies as stated on (Crozet Arts Policies ) and have fully completed this registration form. I agree to pay the total tuition and fees due and agree to the terms of the liability and medical waivers and photography release and give permission for emergency medical treatment as stated on this registration form.
3. By checking this box I hereby attest that my child (or, if 18 or older, I myself) is (am) physically able to participate in in-person/virtual classes at Crozet Arts. I hereby waive and release all claims, liabilities, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any kind for injuries or losses my child (or, if 18 or older, I myself) may incur while participating in virtual/in-person classes at Crozet Arts, now or in the future. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Crozet Arts, its directors, instructors, staff and associates from and against any and all claims, liabilities, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any kind for injuries or losses my child (or, if 18 or older, I myself) may incur while participating in virtual/in-person classes at Crozet Arts, now or in the future. In case of emergency while at Crozet Arts, I give permission for my child (or, if 18 or older, I myself) to receive emergency medical treatment. I signify my agreement with these liability & medical waivers, and grant permission for photographs of my child (or, if 18 or older, I myself) to be used for promotional purposes without financial compensation.
4. By checking this box, I agree to the following: Before my student's first class, I will read the Crozet Arts updated Health Protocols and agree to follow these protocols as stated. (Click Here to read Crozet Arts Health Protocols.)
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