Policies updated 30 July 2024
Crozet Arts does not discriminate against or accept harassment of any person or persons associated with Crozet Arts on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, economic level, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or age in our educational, admissions, hiring, scholarship and other programs and policies.
Crozet Arts strives to use registration and tuition practices and policies that make our school affordable and accessible. Students may register online (preferred) or by mail (please email to request a paper form). A limited number of need-based scholarships are available; please contact Crozet Arts for more information: crozetarts@gmail.com
Registration and tuition are due by the registration deadline listed for each class session, or before a student participates in a virtual or in-person class. Each student must complete either an online or paper Registration Form, and sign the liability waivers, once for the 1 September – 31 August school year prior to participating in in-person or virtual classes. Enrollment in additional classes during the year does not require another Registration Form. Maximum Registration Fees: $25 per student and $50 per family per academic year; summer registration fees are in addition to these limits. These fees help to offset the costs of bookkeeping & administration.
HEALTH PROTOCOLS WAIVER (updated 30 October 2024):
Student’s parent or adult student must read our updated Health protocols and agree to abide by these protocols by clicking the Waiver 4 box on the online registration form. Click here to read.
A limited number of need-based scholarships are available. Please contact Crozet Arts for information: crozetarts@gmail.com
Crozet Arts generally, but not always, follows the Albemarle County Public Schools inclement weather and emergency closings. Exceptions may be made for extended ACPS closings due to weather; or, if it is apparent before noon that roads will be clear by 3:00 we may be able to hold classes. During inclement weather, please check the website (CrozetArts.org) for information; information about closing will usually be posted by 1:00 pm.
Please remember that even virtual classes may be impacted by inclement weather (connectivity issues, or if the instructor would be teaching virtually from Crozet Arts, and cannot travel there); please check the website for class cancellations.
Classes cancelled due to weather or emergency closings or teacher illness will be rescheduled. There is generally no provision to make-up classes missed due to student illness or absence. However, if a student enrolled in Ballet or Guitar cannot attend class due to illness, or Covid-19 quarantine or diagnosis, the student may attend the class or lesson virtually (via Zoom) if the instructor is contacted sufficiently in advance in order to set-up the link. Ballet students may attend other ballet classes via Zoom, with instructor’s permission, to make-up missed classes; or, they may make-up missed classes in-person, if space allows, and with prior permission of the instructor. Private guitar lessons otherwise missed due to illness may be made up within the session, by contacting the instructor. Art class make-up’s for Covid-19 quarantine or illness will be addressed on an individual basis, due to the unique focus of each class session. Student illness/absence should be reported to instructor (or Office@CrozetArts.org) before the class meeting time in order to determine make-up possibilities.
With permission of the instructor, students may enroll in a class after the start of a Term or Session. Tuition for some classes may be prorated or make-up options offered, at the discretion of the instructor; please ask for more info.
Each student (or responsible party) must pay the total tuition due for the session for which a student registers even if student does not complete the session. Ballet students in Pre-Ballet – Advanced levels enroll for the year; if a Ballet student chooses not to continue, parent (or adult student) must notify Sharon (CrozetArts@gmail.com) or Office@CrozetArts.org two weeks prior to the end of a quarter in order not to be billed for subsequent quarters. There are no refunds of paid tuition for early withdrawal.
Tuition that is not paid before the first class of each session/quarter will incur a $10 late fee. It is the adult student’s/parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to note tuition due dates and make sure that tuition is paid on time.
Crozet Arts will refund tuition if a class session is cancelled. There are no other refunds of paid tuition except in cases of extended illness/family emergency/extenuating circumstances, and make-up/virtual sessions cannot be arranged. Any refunds will be less a $15 processing fee to help cover administrative costs. If Covid conditions necessitate, classes will move to Zoom; there will be no refunds of paid tuition unless it is not feasible for a class to move to Zoom, and an alternative cannot be arranged.
Email CrozetArts@gmail.com with questions.
There will be no refunds of paid tuition except in cases of illness/family emergency/extenuating circumstances.
Refunds will be less a $15 processing fee.
Please email Sharon Tolczyk with questions: CrozetArts@gmail.com
Our summer workshops & classes have limited enrollment. Our refund policy supports our commitment to smaller groups, and our teachers’ work to develop and create engaging and meaningful experiences for their students.
Policies updated 30 July 2024