Saturday Morning Theater


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Saturday Morning Theater for Grades 1 – 4

with Boomie Pedersen

Grades 1 – 4

Location:  Hamner Studio at Crozet Arts

Saturdays:  February 2 – March 23, 2019 (7 weeks – skip Feb 16)

9:15 – 10:00 am

$96 + $6 reg. fee = $102

A different kind of Saturday play – experience how body, voice and your imagination can transport you to new worlds.  Minimum enrollment of 5.

Saturday Morning Theater for Grades 5 & up

with Boomie Pedersen

Grades 5 & up

Location:  Hamner Studio at Crozet Arts

Saturdays:  February 2 – March 23, 2019 (7 weeks – skip Feb 16)

10:00 – 11:30 am

$144 + $6 registration fee = $150

Using some Shakespeare, some open scene work and some original pieces, young actors will have the opportunity to see how words are transformed by breath and voice, from cyphers on the page, to objectives and intentions, in short, to theater!   The 7 sessions will culminate in a studio presentation.  Minimum enrollment of 3.

Category : Posted on February 7, 2018

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